
Newspeak is the official language of Oceania. It was devised to meet the ideals of the party. Its aim is to remove all 'unnecessary' word. The purpose of this is to that removing  words removes ways to define anti-Party feelings and the ability to disagree. An example of Newspeak is having ungood instead of bad.

The Ministry of Love (Miniluv)
Which maintained law and order

The Ministry of Truth (Minitrue)

Is allocated to deal with news, entertainment, education, and the fine arts.

The Ministry of Peace (Minipax)
Is allocated to deal with war.

The Ministry of Plenty (Miniplenty)
Is responsible for economic affairs.

The Book
The Book is a book supposedly written by Goldstein, it contains the past of humankind and how to overthrow the party.

Hate Week
Hate Week is a week of hate for Oceanas enemies.

Doublethink is the the power to hold two completely contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accept both of them. It is a way of the party to prevent rebellions and eradicate setbacks.

A prole, short for Proletarian, occupies vast areas of Oceania living in poverty and are easily manipulated by the Party.

A tool that allows the user to speak into the it then writing, similar to that of a dictator.

A object used by the party to spy on every member of Oceania. You cannot turn it off and it will constantly monitor you.

Thought Police
The thought police are a branch from the Ministry of Love that monitors everyone thought so not commit thought crime.

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